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Museum of Byzantine Culture (Thessaloniki)
Museum of Byzantine Culture (Thessalonik
Wall Mosaic from Acheiropoietos Church (

Wall Mosaic from Acheiropoietos Church (mid-5th century)

Relief slabs with vegetal and zoomorphic

Relief slabs with vegetal and zoomorphic decoration

From Acheiropoietos Church (mid-5th century)

Theodosian Capital from the atrium of Ac

Theodosian Capital from the atrium of Acheiropoietos Church (mid-5th century)

Monolithic ambo with a single flight of

Monolithic ambo with a single flight of steps

From Acheiropoietos Church (5th century)

Arch and Piers from the Church of St. De

Arch and Piers from the Church of St. Demetrius (5th-6th century)

Mosaic of Phiale and Peacock (5th-6th ce

Mosaic of Phiale and Peacock (5th-6th century)

Mosaic of Orans and Donors (5th-6th cent

Mosaic of Orans and Donors (5th-6th century)

Wall Mosaics from the small north colonnade in the Church of St. Demetrius

Double-side slab with Monogram (5th-6th

Double-side slab with Monogram

From Church of St. Demetrius (5th-6th century)

Marble Incrustation from a wall in the C

Opus sectile

From a wall in the Church of St. Demetrius (2nd quarter of 7th century)

Mosaic floor from the basilica north of

Mosaic floor from the basilica north of the Church of the Taxiarchs in Thessaloniki (6th century)

Fragments of a zoomorphic frieze from th
Fragments of a zoomorphic frieze from th
Fragments of a zoomorphic frieze from th

Fragments of a zoomorphic frieze from the Early Christian Church of St. Menas in Thessaloniki (5th century)

Wall painting of St. Cosmas and St. Dami

Wall painting of St. Cosmas and St. Damian from the Roman Agora in Thessaloniki (6th century)

Silver reliquary with scenes from the Ol

Silver reliquary with scenes from the Old and New Testaments (late 4th century)

Museum of Byzantine Culture (Thessalonik

Slabs (5th-6th centuries)

Fan shaped ambo from the Basilica near t

Fan shaped ambo from the Basilica near the Philippi Museum (6th century)

Barrel vaulted tomb of Eustorgios (4th c

Barrel vaulted tomb of Eustorgios (4th century)

Double barrel vaulted tomb with wall pai

Double barrel vaulted tomb with wall paintings of imitation marble revetment (4th century)

Artifact from Cemetery Complex.jpg

Artifacts from Cemetery Complex

Triclinium from a house in Thessaloniki

Triclinium from a house in Thessaloniki (second half of 5th century)

The Good Shepherd (c. mid-4th century) f

The Good Shepherd (c. mid-4th century)

From Axios burial complex

The Good Shepherd (2nd decade of 4th cen

The Good Shepherd (Second decade of 4th century)

Closure slabs (10th-11th century).jpg

Closure slabs (10th-11th century)

Illuminated Gospel (late 11th-early 12th

Illuminated Gospel (late 11th-early 12th century)

Sepulchral monument from Hagia Sophia of

Sepulchral monument from Hagia Sophia of Thessaloniki (after 1224)

Wall painting from a chapel near the Tri

Wall painting from a chapel near the Trigonion Tower in Thessaloniki (late 11th-early 12th century)

Icon of the Virgin Dexiokratousa (c. 120

Icon of the Virgin Dexiokratousa (c. 1200)

From St. Paraskevi in Thessaloniki

Icon of Christ Pantokrator.jpg

Icon of Christ Pantokrator (late 14th century)

From Hagia Sophia in Thessaloniki

St. John the Theologian (1360-1380).jpg

John the Baptist (1360-1380)

Gold embroidered epitaphios (c. 1300).jp

Gold embroidered epitaphios (c. 1300)

Relief icon of Hosios David in Thessalon

Relief icon of Hosios David in Thessaloniki (13th-14th century)

Omphalion of Hagia Sophia in Trebizond (

Omphalion of Hagia Sophia in Trebizond (13th century)

Double sided icon of Virgin Hodegetria (

Double sided icon of Virgin Hodegetria

Early 15th century

Icon of Virgin Brephokratousa (first qua

Icon of Virgin Brephokratousa

First quarter of 14th century

Icon of St. Athanasius (15th century).jp

Icon of St. Athanasius

15th century

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Created by David Hendrix Copyright 2016
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