Hagia Sophia in Trebizond
The Church of Hagia Sophia was located in less than 2 km west of Trebizond (modern Trabzon). It was likely founded by the Emperor of Trebizond Manuel I Komnenos (1238-1263). It has a cross-in-square plan with columns supporting the dome, the east bays of the aisles barrel-vaulted and the longer west bays cross-vaulted. Its narthex is an unusual feature in Trebizond and for the three great porches it is hard to find a parallel anywhere; though there are Georgian and Armenian churches with large porches. It is extensively decorated with frescoes. TIt was converted into a mosque in 1573.
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Photo by Dosseman
Photo from Weepingredorger
Photo by Franzfoto
Model of Hagia Sophia
Engraving of Manuel I Komnenos at Hagia Sophia
From Grigorii Gagarin (1897)
View of Hagia Sophia by Hamilton (1857)
Hagia Sophia in Trebizond by Alexius Geyer
View of Hagia Sophia from Texier (1882)
Details of sculpture from Texier (1864)
From Texier (1864)

Plan by Balance
Map of Byzantine Trebizond
Omphalion of Hagia Sophia in Trebizond (13th century)
At Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki
The Byzantine Monuments and Topography of the Pontos by Anthony Bryer & David Winfield
Byzantine Painting at Trebizond by Millet and Talbot Rice
Byzantium’s Other Empire: Trebizond by Antony Eastmond
Byzantine Architecture by Cyril Mango
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture by ​Richard Krautheimer
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium edited by Alexander Kazhdan
“Religious Buildings of Trebizond” by D. Talbot Rice
“The Byzantine Churches of Trebizond” by Selina Balance
“La Sainte-Sophie de Trebizonde” by N. Brounov
“Les Monasteres et les Eglises de Trebizonde” by G. Millet