Walls of Nicaea

The Hellenistic and Roman walls of Nicaea have disappeared, with only traces of triumphal arches of Vespasian and Hadrian which were incorporated into the city gates. The earliest phase of these walls were begun Gallienus (253-268) and completed Claudius Gothius (267-270) when the region was threatened by the Goths. These walls formed an irregular pentagon around 5 km long. The original wall was single, perhaps with a ditch. The semicircular towers were about 60-70 meters apart. Twin towers flanked the gates. The walls were damaged during the Arab siege in 727, requiring substantial repairs. The walls west of the Constantinople Gate were completely rebuilt, during which time the inscription of Leo III (716-741) and his Constantine are recorded as builders, executed by curopalates Artavasdos. Michael III (842-868) made additions to the walls, in connection to a major program of defense in Asia Minor. This involved added new towers between the old towers on the southeast and east walls. Rebel Bardas Skleros besieged the city in 978, destroying a tower near the south gate. Alexios Komnenos erected a small bastion, which was faced with spolia from a Seljuk cemetery. The wall was damaged in the earthquake in 1065, thus requiring extensive repairs. Extensive work took place under the Laskarids when Nicaea was the capital of the empire. In particular, two great corner towers were built on the southern wall. John Vatatzes added an outer wall with towers.

Constantinople Gate (İstanbul Kapısı)

Lefke Gate

Southern Gate (YeniÅehir Kapısı)

Southwestern Gate

Inscription of Leo III and Artavasdos
ā© į¼νθα θεεικįæ βοηθεį½·į¾³ τį½ø τįæ¶ν į¼χθρįæ¶ν καταισχį½»νθη θρį½±σος,
į¼κεįæ οį¼± φιλį½½χριστοι į¼”μįæ¶ν βασιλεįæς Λį½³ων κ(αį½¶) Κωνσταντįæνος į¼νε-
καį½·νησαν πį½¹θįæ³ τį½“ν πį½¹λιν Νį½µκαιαν į¼νεγį½·ρανταις διį½° τįæς τοįæ¦ į¼ργου
į¼πιδεį½·ξεως νηκητικį½øν į¼ναστį½µσανταις πį½»ργον κεντινį½±ρι{σ}-
ων {κεντινį½±ριων}Ī καį½¶ μį½¹χθįæ³ į¼πληρω[φį½¹ρη]σεν į¼ρτį½±υασδος πανεį½»φ(ημος) πατρį½·κ(ιος) κοροπαλį½±τ(ης).
“At the place where, with divine help, the insolence of the enemy was put to shame, there our Christ-loving emperors Leo and Constantine restored with zeal the city of Nicaea, having erected in demonstration of their deed a trophy of victory by setting up a kentenarion tower, which Artabasdos, the glorious patrikios and curopalates, completed by his toil”. (Translation from Mango)

Tower of Theodore Laskaris and Bastion of Alexios Komnenos
Constantinople Gate Photo by Paolo Monti (1962)
Constantinople Gate Photo by Paolo Monti (1962)

Photo by Guillaume Berggren (1870s-1880s)

Photo of Constantinople Gate by Guillaume Berggren (1870s-1880s)

Photo of Constantinople Gate by Guillaume Berggren (1870s-1880s)
Constantinople Gate by Charles Texier (1882)
Lefke Gate by Charles Texier (1882)
YeniÅehir Gate by Charles Texier (1882)
General view of Nicaea by Léon de Laborde (1838)
Lefke Gate by Léon de Laborde (1838)
Constantinople Gate by Léon de Laborde (1838)
Nicaea as depicted in the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493)
Nicaea: A Byzantine Capital and Its Praises by Clive Foss
The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia: From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks edited by P. Niewohner
Byzantine Architecture by Cyril Mango
Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture by āRichard Krautheimer
Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium edited by Alexander Kazhdan
Nicaea Album (Byzantine Legacy Flickr)